Videos and Research Articles

The field of myofunctional therapy studies orofacial growth and development including the role of breastfeeding, early feeding, tongue restriction, nutrition, sleep disturbances, and breathing issues.

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Research Articles

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Nose Breathing

by Renata Nehme

Learn the benefits of nasal breathing!

The way we breathe can impact the way our face grows!! This should be common knowledge to everyone!


Breathe IN and OUT of your nose - silently and slowly. Don't move your shoulders up and down. Place your hands on your belly and feel your diaphragm expand as you inhale.

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 Tongue Posture


by Renata Nehme

The tongue is supposed to rest on the palate (suctioned up there) ⬆️ This helps protects the airway - preventing snoring (when the tongue falls back). 😴 It also helps the teeth not move again in the future - tongue rest posture is crucial to a successful orthodontic treatment. 😃 The tongue is also a foundation for the palate (and the nose), if the tongue is not up there the palate usually grows narrow and high - reducing the amount of room you have to breathe. 😤 Remember - the roof of your mouth is the floor of your nose! 🧐

What is Myofunctional Therapy?

Orofacial Myofunctional Therapy consists of therapeutic exercises to strengthen and reeducate facial and tongue muscles optimizing their function. 

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The Story of Headgear 

This video explains how a child's face needs to grow forward in order for her to have a fully grown airway. Certain types of orthodontic treatment stunt the growth of children's faces, and as a result, these children end up with disrupted breathing and sleep apnea for the rest of their lives. This video calls for an end to orthodontic growth stunting.

Let's Tongue Up!

Healthcare (R)Evolutionist Weng Cheu advocates the tongue as a source of wellness. For him, it is all the elixir of life and the architect of health. Watch his insightful talk and come away with a newfound appreciation for this often overlooked body part.

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Finding Connor Deegan

The story of a mom and child which many of us can relate to.

Mouth Breathing in Children

Dr. German Ramirez, a world expert in orthodontics and pediatrics, put together an amazing video explaining on patients develop crooked teeth and how this can be prevented and treated. Often times breathing is not evaluated and this video illustrates the importance of nasal breathing.

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Airway and TMJ

Mouth breathing is a pattern where an individual predominantly uses their mouth for breathing, rather than their nose. This habit can arise due to various factors, including nasal congestion, allergies, anatomical considerations, or learned behaviors. Unfortunately, chronic mouth breathing can have negative impacts on oral health, facial development, and even overall bodily functions.


Tongue-tie, medically known as ankyloglossia, is a congenital condition where the tissue connecting the tongue's underside to the floor of the mouth is unusually tight or short. This restricted lingual frenulum can limit the tongue's movement, potentially affecting essential functions like breastfeeding, speech articulation, and oral hygiene.

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