Hello Airway Parents!


I’m Renata Nehme, a Registered Dental Hygienist, Certified Orofacial Myologist and Founder of Myo Moves & Airway Circle.

With the help of two incredible mommas and Myofunctional Therapists, Alyssa Persinger, and Jenn Sullivan - We are here to help guide you in your airway journey! 

Take Our Airway Screening

Nice to meet you!

I’ve been an Orofacial Myofunctional Therapist (aka Orofacial Myologist) for the last 7 years, but it wasn’t until I had my last baby that I took the leap to quit dental hygiene and go full time into running an online Myofunctional Therapy Practice.

I have two children, Zoe and Benny who were both tongue tied, lip tied, both need expansion (Zoe's going through it now) and mouth breathe at times.

Now I’m empowering other parents through online learning to give them the guidance I didn't have.

More about us!


Consultation PDF

The key points discussed during a myofunctional therapy consultation.


Frenectomy Protocol

After going through a frenectomy myself - I changed my whole protocol! Download the pdf below!


Myofunctional Therapy Recommendations

Get access to Renata's Recommendations pdf and video. These are the first steps to take in your Myofunctional Therapy journey!


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